6 Reasons to Make Websites ADA Compliant

6 Reasons to Make Websites ADA Compliant

Aug 16, 2022

If you're a business owner, you know that your website is more than just a place to showcase your products and services. It's an important sales tool that can help you connect with customers in new ways. If the web pages on your site aren't accessible to people with disabilities and mobility-impaired visitors, it could severely impact sales. Companies must ensure their sites meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards or risk having lofty penalties assessed against them by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). 


1. The Law

The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 and has been amended several times since then. The ADA covers all 50 states and applies to the accessibility of public accommodations like restaurants, hotels, stores, and commercial facilities like office buildings.

The ADA requires equal access to services and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. It includes programs providing goods and services for the disabled, transportation systems facilitating access, design specifications for new construction, telecommunications equipment requirements, and others. Most recently the Supreme Court has ruled that ADA protections not only apply to those things but that it also applies to all websites as well. Over 10,000 businesses were sued in 2020 because their websites did not provide accommodations for people with special needs. It’s important for businesses to work toward ADA compliance to protect themselves from potential lawsuits totaling up to $150,000 .

2. It's The Right Thing To Do

Building websites and applications that provide accessibility for all is just the right thing to do! It's the same as saying 'Thank you.' when someone does something nice for you or holds the door open for an elderly neighbor struggling to walk. You want to have those same types of good manners on your website. Keeping people from seeing your website information, learning about your services, or buying your products does not show good manners if what you have is pretty fantastic. If you can find a way to make this visible for everyone it, it’s a good idea to fix it.

Studies have shown that Millennials and Generation Z, the two groups who expect businesses to do the right thing in situations like this, are also the largest consumers worldwide. These are the two groups that are most likely to stop using a company/brand that does not appear to be as welcoming to everyone online. When you go above and beyond to serve all your customers, in every way possible, you will stand out in the eyes of your internet audience.

3. Potential for Increased Profits & Reduced Frustration

If customers can access all of the information on your site, they are more likely to return to your site and engage with you again. Your website should be easy for people with disabilities to use your site just like everyone else! An accessible website can also help lessen the number of complaints received from consumers who aren't disabled but struggle with the site's layout or content. When you provide ease of use for the disabled, it means that you are providing ease of use for all your customers. If someone wants something from you but finds themselves unable or unwilling because of their physical limitations, you're losing potential business. 

When users leave without completing their transactions, because there was no way around using assistive technology such as screen readers or magnifiers while shopping online, businesses like yours may miss out on sales. Missing out on sales may not be the only disadvantage. When a customer leaves a website frustrated because they could not complete a purchase, they are less likely to ever return.

4. Larger Customer Base

One of the most significant benefits of making your website ADA compliant is that you will attract a more extensive customer base. People with special needs is a growing market. Obviously, they will always look for businesses offering accessibility options that make their life easier. 48 million people in the United States report some degree of hearing loss, while 7 million reports having a visual disability. 39 million have difficulty with their physical functioning. As more people with disabilities become aware of their rights under the ADA, they'll be looking for places where they can go online without barriers or discrimination. It means that because your business follows laws that protect people from discrimination, you will will find new customers who value that and who may not have been to your site before but will continue to visit because you thought enough about them as customers.

5. Builds Credibility and Reputation

Making sure your website is working toward ADA accessibility makes customers more likely to trust your business, making them more likely to buy from you. By making your website accessible, you'll show that you're not only willing to do the right thing but also to put in extra work so that all your customers can have a better experience. This gives insight into your businesses values and priorities which people do see.

Accessibility can help you differentiate yourself from other sites on the web because it shows you care and it shows that you are "ahead of the curve". If your competition’s website lacks accessibility, customers may choose not to even bother going there anymore—and this could mean additional losses in revenue for that business and potential revenue for you!

6. Improved Company Morale and Work Environment

ADA compliance is helpful in building up company morale because it helps employees feel pride about the company they represent. The company they work for prioritizes the needs of their customers and employees feel proud working for companies that do that. The adjustments made to your website also ensure that your employees, no matter their barriers, can access the resources they need. In addition, providing employees with a website that is easy to use reduces barriers as they complete their daily tasks.


If your business has a website, it’s important that your website is not only accessible for the current customers but also for those people with permanent and temporary special needs. Working to make your website ADA compliant can seem overwhelming at first. However, the long-term benefits are worth the investment of time and resources. Start small if you must but begin moving toward ADA compliance as soon as possible.

Sidekick Solutions gives clients support with online reviews, social media management, ADA compliance for websites, lead generation and many other services. We love watching our clients' businesses grow! Contact us at [email protected]